I'm going to put a center console on this boat. After much searching around, the console on a Jones Brothers Bateau is my model.
I took measurements off of this one and sketched out a design for mine. Here are the side panels cut out- they look small by themselves but as a whole it is a good size.
This is an example of how I'll put the console together. Using a 1 1/2" square piece of cedar, I cut a 3/4" by 1/2" slot on either corner to fit the 1/2" plywood. Then I roundover the corner with a router and get a very smooth, fiberglassed look.
I'm going to put the 18 gal Tempo tank underneath the front seat of the console. I'd rather not have the fill and vent inside the boat, but there is no other way to do it. I'm going to partition the tank off and isolate it from the electrical stuff at the back of the console. For the fill, I'm using a bronze combination fill/vent made by Perko- this will be less likely to spill fuel inside the boat.
I'll also get a stainless grab rail made like the one on the Jones Brothers and get some cushions made for the front seat. I'll put a large access hatch on the seat back to get to the wiring.
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